All content such as religious chords and Song Lyrics available or displayed on this site are for learning, education and reference purposes only.
Although we always try to present the lyrics and chords of the song as accurately as possible. However, we still cannot guarantee the truth and accuracy of the song lyrics presented.
If you like the songs whose lyrics are in Chordinda it is recommended to buy original cassette / CD or personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist / singer / band in question to continue working for the progress of Indonesian Music.
All religious Song Lyrics and Guitar Chords in Chordinda are copyright / property of the authors, artists and music labels concerned.
Song lyrics that are displayed on Chordinda we get from various sources.
We are not responsible for losses arising from the use or misuse of information from the Chordinda website
We are not responsible for the content or advertising material displayed on Chordinda. All advertising material is entirely the responsibility of advertisers or third-party sites as our media partners.
Although we always try to present the lyrics and chords of the song as accurately as possible. However, we still cannot guarantee the truth and accuracy of the song lyrics presented.
If you like the songs whose lyrics are in Chordinda it is recommended to buy original cassette / CD or personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist / singer / band in question to continue working for the progress of Indonesian Music.
All religious Song Lyrics and Guitar Chords in Chordinda are copyright / property of the authors, artists and music labels concerned.
Song lyrics that are displayed on Chordinda we get from various sources.
We are not responsible for losses arising from the use or misuse of information from the Chordinda website
We are not responsible for the content or advertising material displayed on Chordinda. All advertising material is entirely the responsibility of advertisers or third-party sites as our media partners.